Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spock's Snack

We had out first medical emergency with Spock this week. I was in the bathroom, having just taken a shower that morning.

"Uh oh!" I heard Mom say. "Spock's eating something!" Soon, "Spock's eating something BAD!" And then, "SPOCK'S EATING YOUR RUBBER HAND TOY!!!" It was one of those little gummy, rubbery hands that you toss on the wall and it sticks.

Then I heard, "Hudson, go get him a treat!" This is how Mom gets things away from Spock. She thinks that she'd get bit. Then, while my brother got him a treat, Mom screamed "HE SWALLOWED IT!!!!!!!"
Spock didn't choke. His tongue wasn't blue. Mom rushed to the computer. We found out that if we made his vomit with in two hours, his intestine probably wouldn't get blocked. The safest way to do this is Hydrogen Peroxide.

You are supposed to give the dog about 5 cc/ ml of Hydrogen Peroxide, 3% strength. It worked right away.

We spent two or three bucks for a large bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. Had we rushed him to a vet, the vet would likely have done a similar procedure, but for several hundred dollars, probably.

Anyway, Spock is fine!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm glad Spock is okay!

    Canadian grandma
