Friday, January 27, 2012

The world's ugliest mammal?

The Naked Mole Rat is quite possibly the ugliest species of mammal. Look at these pictures!

Baby animals are cute, right? Not all of them, as this baby Naked Mole Rat proves.

This is an adult Naked Mole Rat. Look how long and sharp its teeth are!
                                                    Facts about Naked Mole Rats
  • Naked Mole Rats can live an extremely long time, up to 28 years. Most small rodents live less then 5 years.
  • Naked Mole Rats live in colonies, much like those of bees. The queen is the only one that breeds. There are also workers and soldiers.
  • Naked Mole Rats are apparently immune to cancer.
  • A queen gives birth to 3-28 babies, which are known as "pups."
  • The tunnel systems made by Naked Mole Rats can stretch up to three miles.
  • Naked Mole Rats seem to be unable to feel pain.
  • Naked Mole Rats are sometimes called "Sand Puppies."
This is a Silvery Mole Rat, a furry relative of the Naked Mole Rat.1

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