Monday, January 30, 2012

Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon is a medium sized lizard. It is probably the most friendly reptile, hence its popularity. Though costly, keeping "beardies" can be a rewarding experience.

The bearded dragon's tameness stems from a natural behavior. When captured, a bearded dragon, even a wild one will rarely bite or scratch. They just stay still and hope you won't eat them :)

A baby bearded dragon

Bearded dragons need a large tank (at least 40 gallons), a tank heater, and basking lights. They also need a large supply of crickets and meal worms. Feeding live insects to a lizard of this size can be expensive, so most bearded dragon keepers breed their own insects.

A beardie itself can be free, or it can cost over a hundred dollars. Different morphs often cost more than the "normal" coloring and pattern. Petsmart sells them for $60.

If you want to get a bearded dragon, be sure to research the lizard well before you buy it, as they have distinct care requirements that are very important to follow.

An adult beardie

Here is a game featuring the bearded dragon: Feed the Beardie Game

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