Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well, as some of you may know, yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. I got plenty of money for my birthday, and I decided to use some of it to buy another bird and cage, to be a friend for Kiki. He is being quarantined right now, but in a month he is going to live with Kiki.

My new budgie is named Oliver, a.k.a Ollie. I don't have any pictures of him yet, but I will soon. He is a beautiful bird, yellow and olive green (hence the name.)

I picked Ollie because he was the oldest bird in the store and he was old enough to tell that he was a male. I wanted a male bird, because females, like Kiki, rarely learn to speak.

The worker who grabbed Ollie and clipped his wings was shocked to find that Ollie didn't even try to bite her. It was a good sign, and Ollie is now tame enough to step on to my finger.

Many people have the mistaken belief that dogs and cats are the only animals with different personalities. That is not true! I have only had Oliver for a day, but it has already become apparent that he is quite different from Kiki.
Here is a list of differences I've noticed so far:

  1. Ollie really likes having a spray bath- Kiki flees when she sees me get the bottle.
  2. Kiki adores millet spray, but Ollie refuses to even taste it.
  3. Kiki has always been a bit wary of fingers, but Ollie hops right up.
  4. Ollie has been almost entirely silent so far - Kiki is loud (but Kiki was very quiet the first few days, so it might change)
  5. Kiki will nip when she feels like it - Ollie won't.
  6. Kiki loves to perch on my shoulder and will sit there for a long time. Ollie on the other hand refuses to do so- he just jumps off right away.
By the way, I still love Kiki just as much as before I got Oliver!

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