Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Anoles are small lizards very closely related to the Green Iguana. The most commonly kept anoles are the Green Anole and the Brown Anole.

Green Anoles used to be called "The American Chameleon" because of their ability to change color. They can be green (that's no surprise), brown, or brown with green spots. Brown Anoles can't change to green, but they be different shades of brown.

If you live in the Southern USA you can (unless there are laws against it) catch your own Anole. It you don't, they are very common in pet stores, and they cost less than $10 (USD.)

An Anole can live in a ten gallon tank (if it's a Green Anole, you will need to have lots of things for it to climb on.)

The tank will need a lid because, like Geckos, Anoles can climb up glass.
This Green Anole is starting to turn brown.
A Brown Anole
The main difficulty of Anoles is they are very fast. You should never let them run free! They will escape! If you hold an Anole, it's best to hold it over top of its cage.

Anoles can be hard to tame, but handling them poses very little risk (at least to the handler.)

I would like to have an Anole. Maybe the next time I go to the South I can catch one.

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