Saturday, August 31, 2013

Two New Birds!

This is a bad picture of her! She is much cuter in real life!

This is Tintin. She is a young "Pearl" mutation  Cockatiel. I don't have any good pictures of her yet, but she is really cute. She isn't tame enough to hold yet, but since I got her she's learned step up/step down on a stick, and she seems much less frightened.

She does have trouble flying, as she was kept with two of her siblings in a cage that was much too small. The person that owned and bred her had over a hundred birds in a tiny space, so they probably didn't get much attention.

Tintin's flight is slowly improving, but it is frightening when she bangs into things!

She needs a bigger cage, so I'm keeping my eyes out for a good deal on one.

This budgie doesn't have a name yet, but we are leaning towards "Karl".  He is learning to step onto my finger, but he's still skittish. He's doing well with flying, almost as good as Kiki, but not as fast.

He will soon live with Kiki, and (possibly) raise chicks in the future.

Three parrots generate A LOT of mess, and Tintin especially is noisy. She will sometimes start screeching for a few minutes, several times a day. It is very annoying, but nothing a towel over the cage won't fix.

1 comment:

  1. You mean you let your birds out to fly around the house? Do they fly back to their cages?

    Canadian Grandma
