Thursday, April 25, 2013

Purebred Cats

Purebred cats are far rarer and far less commonly bred then purebred dogs. I think that literally only 1% of domestic cats are purebred!

On kijiji, I found some purebred cat adds. A purebred puppy for $500 would be pretty common, but it seems very pricey for a kitten. One Sphynx kitten was listed for $1700!

It's obvious why these cats are not commonly kept. When someone wants a kitten, they can find dozens of free moggy (mutt) kittens nearby, or get one at a shelter.

I think another part of the reason for there being so few purebred cats is that cats don't differ all that much in most cases, especially in personality. Of course, there are exceptions to this.

But really, most cats are suited for most people that want a cat f you want a shorthaired cat, in terms of personality it doesn't matter much if you get a "domestic shorthair" or a purebred "American Shorthair". On the other hand, someone that would be a good "fit" for a Maltese dog might not be able to handle a Great Dane or a Pit Bull.

Of course some cats are different from each other, like Siamese cats, but individual cats are different, not just different breeds.

If you have your heart set on an expensive purebred cat, you can probably get one, though it will take a lot of money and probably a lot of searching.


  1. The cats you mentioned are really weird looking, not cute and cuddly like run-of-the mill cats...some cultures prize these odd cats.

    Canadian Grandma

  2. Actually, there are some "cute and cuddly" purebred cats. They look very similar to mixed breed cats.
