Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are Puppies Bad Pets?

I read another article on the dog channel website. Million Dollars= Puppy

Basically, the article says adult dogs are great, rescue dogs are better, puppies are horrible. Consider these quotes from the article.

"When I see an adult dog that needs a home, I think, 'There’s someone’s best friend. He just needs a chance'... When I see a puppy that needs a home.... I think.... 'just put your shoes, cell phones, throw pillows, and other loose valuables into a box, walk down to the closest body of water, and toss it all in.'"

"Puppies have little personality. They are blobs of fur with big eyes"

"An adult dog is thrilled beyond words to get out of the shelter and into a warm home – his gratitude is boundless. If you don’t believe it, adopt an abused or neglected dog from the shelter and watch him blossom. A puppy? Clueless."

 "Whenever someone announces, excitedly, 'I’m getting a puppy!' I actually groan."

Not surprisingly, the author goes on to say, 'I’ve adopted all of my dogs as young adults, except for one stray senior dog... I won't adopt any dog younger than two years old'. How could you say such things about puppies if you haven't even owned a puppy?

Here are some ways to keep your house from being destroyed by a puppy.

  • Keep anything valuable totally away from the puppy
  • Keep small things, like shoes, away from the puppy
  • Don't let the puppy the carpet until he is fully housebroken
  • Train the puppy not to chew on anything but chew toys. Clicker training works well for this.
And that part about puppies being 'clueless' about being adopted. Are shelter puppies happy animals? I say that they are worse off than adult dogs, as they are more energetic. A puppy definitely knows when you've adopted it!

Yes, puppies are more work than adult dogs, but if you want  a puppy and can care for and train a puppy, then go for it.

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